

Since 1997 we have been working in a group of villages located in the semi-desert rural area in the North of the country. Besides the support in basic activities in the field of education and healthcare, our projects are realized also in the one of the development of agricultural activities locally sustainable through infrastructural interventions (construction of wells, irrigation systems, seed and products deposits) and through training programs for small producers.

Our recent activities:

  • support to the primary schools of Assada, Dabaga, Emalawlé e Tissouma
  • support to the kindergarten of Dabaga
  • provision of scholarships
  • vaccination campaigns conducted by mobile teams
  • construction of wells
  • diffusion of suitable irrigation systems (delou, goutté à goutté)

Continuing Daniele’s journey

In 2016 Les Cultures launched the project Continuando il viaggio di Daniele to support education in Dabaga in order to continue the work started many years before by Daniele Scaramelli, an historic member of our association who passed away in 2015.