Join us!
Support our commitment, join Les Cultures.
Les Cultures means integration, defence of migrants’ rights, international cooperation, promotion of a culture of openness and solidarity, Immagimondo and much more.
If you care about these issues, if you are interested in doing something concrete, if you think you can give your support, contact us!
There are three types of membership:
- Student: € 5
- Ordinary member: € 10
- Sustaining member: € 100
Fill in the form to become a member. You can pay by:
- Postal account: 000014007231
- Bank transfer – Banca Prossima IBAN: IT98 V033 5901 6001 0000 0102 928 SWIFT:
- In our office
- SEPA Direct Debit (the form shall be completed in its entirety, a copy is for the bank and one is for us)
- On-line (PayPal, credit and prepaid cards):